Written by Fr Francis LeBuffe
Published by St. Pius X Press, 2019, paperback, 55 pages, reprint from 1917.
ONE morning long ago our Lord sat on the western slope of Mount Olivet and gazed on the chosen city of His chosen people. But His Sacred Heart was sad, for He was thinking of the squandered graces and lost opportunities of His flock, that would not listen to the pleadings of His tenderest love. One cry of regret for their hardness escaped His “If thou hadst known!”
From the tabernacle that cry is often repeated as the years go by. Again our Lord looks out upon a chosen people and again His Heart is sad. “My people-if thou hadst known! If thou hadst known the length and breadth and height and depth of My love and what My sacramental presence meant, would visits be so scared and hurried, would Communions be so infrequent and cold, would My sacred Name be on so few lips and in so few hearts?” From the Preface.
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