Written by William D. Gairdner

Published by Stoddart, 1992, hardcover, 598 pages.

Believing it is high time for someone to speak out in defence of the family, William Gairdner, the author of Trouble with Canada, has turned his attention to what he calls the “civil war of values” that is weakening the soul of the family in Canada.

Among his findings:

  • Traditional marriage is being doomed in our children’s textbooks as only one choice among many.
  • Massive funding is given to radical lobby groups devoted to destroying the family.
  • “Sex education,” at one time the concerns families, has become the property of “sexologists” and peer groups.
  • The mainline churches have abandoned souls for political causes and pagan theories.
  • The law and the courts of the land are decimation the traditional privileges of the family in the name of the individual “rights.”