This unusual and hard to find book, first published in1864, starts with hourly events that occurred during our Lord’s Passion, with a short Aspiration for each hour. The main part of the book then explains the Passion of Our Lord, giving biblical references. Also included are some most unusual prayers – not just the well known Stations of the Cross by St. Alphonsus, but also the “Stations of the Passion”, tp which are added “Stations for Holy Thursday” and “The Little Crown of Our Saviour.”

St. Augustine said that nothing is more conductive to the attainment of eternal salvation than to think every day on the pains which Jesus Christ has suffered for the love of us.

St. Alphonsus has chosen words in this book that can turn the coldest and most ungrateful heart towards our suffering Savior and away from sin and the perils of attachment to the world.

This book will be useful to all, young and old, not just for Holy Week but throughout the year. As you read this unusual book you will feel that you are right there with our Lord and follow Him all the way to Calvary.

By St. Alphonsus Liguori

Publisher: Refuge of Sinners

Year: 2015

256 Pages Large print paperback.