Written by Teresa Tomeo

Published by Ascension Press, 2012, paperback, 165 pages.

The most dominant force in the lives of almost all Americans is the media, the internet, TV, radio, smartphones, tablets. The list goes on and on. Although incredibly intoxicating, the media all too often distracts us from that which is most important, and in many instances, actually fights against our good and noble goals in life. As parents, educators, and consumers of the media, we have to get our media usage and that of our families under control. Otherwise, the media will control us, if it isn’t doing so already. In her new book, Noise , Teresa Tomeo, a veteran broadcast journalist in both the Catholic and secular markets, makes a compelling and irrefutable case about the dangers of our dominant media culture and the adjoining liberalism and immorality that comes with it. Tomeo gives a sobering analysis of each of the nine dominant forms of media, and she reveals how they are rapidly dismantling families and destroying lives.