By Deirdre Manifold

Published by The Militia of Our Immaculate Mother. 1992, Soft Cover, 280 pages.

The book is in  good condition overall. The first 50 pages or so are slightly dog-eared at the bottom. The pages are clean and there are no noticeable marks. A very readable copy.


In this book, the extraordinary story is told, how the international conspiracy to achieve a materialist world dictatorship is being pursued. The facade of ideologies and parliamentary politics is unerringly penetrated, to reveal the hidden mechanisms of world power politics, in all their Machiavellian subtlety.

Deirdre Manifold, a Galway housewife, made it her study over a lifetime to unravel the peculiar and unique connections of this conspiracy, its roots in the sixteenth century, its present-day extent, with tentacles both in the Kremlin and in Wall Street. This book is challenging. One cannot ignore it. Either one must accept the analysis put forward or one must demonstrate where it is wrong.