By Pope Benedict XVI

Published by Ignatius Press

2006, Hardcover, 108 pages

It’s August, 2005. The newly elected Benedict XVI returns to his homeland, Germany, for World Youth Day-the spectacular event created by his popular predecessor, Pope John Paul II. All eyes are on the German pope in Cologne. “Will he relate to young people as John Paul II did?”

The zealous loving welcome of more than a million young people provides the answer. Benedict XVI pulls it off-in his own way, with his own style, without missing a beat. His encounters with young people are magical, even mystical. His message–a straightforward presentation of the Christian faith aimed at answering the perennial questions of young people: Who am I? Where am I going? Is there Someone who can help? How can I make a difference in the world?

Benedict XVI’s answers to these questions all point to Jesus Christ and his teaching. He urges young people not to think that following Jesus requires abandoning anything of real worth. “Christ takes from you nothing that is beautiful and great,” he declares. He dares young people to become “radicals”-to be part of “God’s revolution.” To commit themselves without reservation to Jesus Christ. (From the Goodreads Website)