Counsels, Reflections and Prayers for Catholic Young Men by Father Lasance.
Published by Refuge of Sinners Publishing, paperback.
Impr 1910 edition. 782 pages.
Contains much needed information for a young man! In Hardbound Cover or Paperback. From the Preface: Hence, any attempt to draw our Catholic youth away from the evil influences that surround them in the world is worthy of approbation; any book that imparts to young men a word of warning and counsels them in regard to the things that make for their spiritual progress and sanctification, for their temporal welfare as well as for their eternal happiness, certainly deserves the hearty indorsement of a Shepherd of souls… …”It is the aim of our little ‘Guide,’ in the first place, to furnish a Catholic young man with a correct view of the social and religious conditions of modern life, and to call his particular attention to the forces and influences that are inimical to the preservation of his faith and innocence; it admonishes the young man, on his entrance into the buy world, to put on the ‘armatura Dei’ (Eph. vi. II), the ‘armor of God’; namely, to acquire, to cultivate, and practise various virtues, such as faith, hope, charity, the fear of God, sobriety, humility, obedience, fidelity, and perseverance; it instructs him, especially, how to fight, how to conquer, in the hardest of battles – that which must be fought in behalf of the virtue chastity.
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